Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The men in our family salute you, Pioneer Woman!

You can't do any wrong with cinnamon when it comes to the men in my family. So, for Father's Day, I tried the world-famous Pioneer Woman's cinnamon roll recipe. I read her blog, and want her to be my neighbor...scratch that, I want to be HER neighbor every time I read it, so it was high time I gave this a try!
I was a bit nervous about making something from scratch that can easily be plopped from a tube and baked in the same time, but I can say that I actually totally enjoyed the process! It was more time-consuming than difficult, and the taste was well worth it!

Here's my favorite shot:

I never do anything ahead of time. I started the night before, and was up waiting for the dough to cool before adding the yeast, and then waiting for it to rise some, etc, and I snapped this photo of my tranquil kitchen, all ready for the task at hand in the morning!

Then this is what they looked like all baked up and FROSTED:

And then, wrapped up and ready for fresh delivery! (love the sink full of dirty dishes in the background!)

Hannah came with me, and thoroughly enjoyed the sneakiness of it all! I wish I had taken video of her singing and dancing along in the car as we drove around... fun times!

ps- Micah's rolls were also served with her recipe for iced coffee. Amazing.

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