Thursday, January 12, 2012

Embrace the camera: january 12

Who needed those extra cuddles more tonight? Me or Hannah? Hard to say.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Whoopsy daisy!

So it seems that the cool blogger app I've been using on my phone posts pictures sideways... sorry about that!

Our week in pictures: January 8

All kinds of silliness in the Nourse family this week!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Embrace the camera: January 5

Is it really 2012?
We are back in the swing of things, and I find myself a bit nostalgic for the holiday break today. So I was peeking back through the pictures and found this sweet one from Thanksgiving. (Not sure it's obvious that she is wearing paper headdress and vest)
"Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go" rings a bit true every time we take the scenic route to Meema and Pa's house. Hannah loves to check out the ducks and turtles in our neighborhood pond/stream, and I love that my parents live within walking distance. All the sweetness of that is captured in this photo: preschool project costume. Child in wagon full of thanksgiving goodies pulled by handsome hubby. Walking over to hang out with the fam for the day. Seriously, this is the sweet life!
Repeat for Christmas.
So good!

Go check out some more family fun at Embrace the Camera with the Anderson Crew this week! :)