Friday, January 7, 2011

Nutella, where have you been all of my life?

I love peanut butter. Up until now, there was no reason to try anything else on my toast. sandwich. with a banana. or on a spoon. since hazelnut kind of started my coffee craze, i thought i'd try this nutella i hear so much about. it's bliss in a jar.
i think about breakfast all day every day now.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Embrace the camera. Pita pizza fun!

Last year, for New Year's, I resolved to take a picture for each day. I of course, ended up taking far more than 365 pictures... and now, it's most definitely a great part of my day.
Here's ours for today: not super-fancy pictures, but I love this moment. We had a great day together: some Gymboree, thai food for lunch, a good nap and we made some pizzas together for Hannah's dinner. She loves pizza, but she's definitely lactose intolerant, so we have to make special foods for her, for almost everything! She's also not much of a veggie eater, so we put them into the foods she actually likes. Like this pizza, obviously has tomato sauce, but we also put some spinach puree on there. She totally loved spreading the sauces and sprinkling cheese! In the end, she ate more pepperonis than pizza, but she had lots of fun!

I am thrilled to submit my first "Embrace the Camera" entry today, though I have been working on getting in the shot for months now. It's linked up to one of my favorite blogs to follow: I started following The Anderson Crew blog, via Buggie and Jellybean, via LuBirdBaby. (I LOVE to read blogs, and shop on Etsy, I was most definitely sure to cross paths with these ladies!) Check out the links, and Happy Reading!