Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ode to my rice cooker. and other things that make my life easier.

Pablo Neruda wrote a book entitled "Odes to Common Things" and it's always been one of my favorite lessons to teach, as it helps me, and my students to appreciate the simple things in life. My two favorites are "Ode to the artichoke" and "Ode to the tomato" which give so much life and personality to common vegetables, you'll never think the same way as you cook. I had one of these contemplative moments in the kitchen today, but not with my vegetables. No, it was my rice cooker.

(this is by no means a fancy shot, but it is a real familiar spot for me in the house.)

I was starting a(nother) pot of rice today (I just made one yesterday, too!) and I remembered how silly I thought rice cookers were as a new bride. "Is that really necessary? Seriously - who eats so much rice that they need a rice cooker?" Now as a mom, and (more) seasoned home chef, I stand corrected. The rice cooker is awesome, and serves more purposes than one, but mostly, spends it's time filling our hose with the sweet nutty smell of brown rice. Hannah doesn't go ONE day without some rice and beans.
Also in the corner are my other kitchen all-stars:
1)my mini blender: our old one leaked out the bottom whenever I used it, no matter how quick I was... so I had to replace it and this one was the best deal. It's the perfect size for making my Shakeology shakes I'm so hooked on, and saves washing another dish because the lid is a sip top. Yes, you can drink straight from this blender. Initially, I never thought I would do that. Realistically, I totally do it all the time: blend, drink, wash. So easy!
2)Kitchen-Aid Mixer: My favorite red appliance. I am pretty sure that its blending capabilities are the reason my cookies tasted so much better after I got married.
3)Mini-chopper: I don't have a food-processor. This cute little "salsa maker" (the reason I initially registered for it) is all I have ever needed and it's waaaay more affordable, not to mention a space saver. And yes, it's good for when I want to try another salsa recipe, too! It breaks down and goes into the dishwasher, too, yay!
4)Oh,and the electric can-opener. Again, when I first married Micah, I thought that an electric can-opener was so un-necessary (he already had one, this was surprising to me - what bachelor has that?) but I've grown really accustomed to just sticking the can on there (usually Hannah's can of black beans) and letting it whir around and then hang there until I need it. While I wouldn't mind cranking the opener around a can, the electric one somehow always reminds me of the Rosie on the Jetsons... like my little robot that helps me out with every little thing!

You know you spend a lot of time in the kitchen when you can write this much about your appliances... and these are only the red ones, don't even get me started on the toaster and the coffee maker, that will have to be for another day...

Oh, odes to my kitchen, I spend so much time there, but it is my favorite corner of the house for sure! Maybe it's because "the ordinary arts we practice everyday at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest." Sir Thomas More. Wise words.

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