Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ode to t-mobile

i have a new cell phone. many have been waiting for this day. i am waiting for my number to switch over. tomorrow. this is so exciting!
why? (one might ask... depends on whether or not you call my cell phone often!) those who do, realize just how disappointing the service is in my corner of the world, somewhere between laguna hills and orange. perhaps i have missed your calls, or received a voicemail two or three days late, or our call keeps getting dropped (is there ever a good moment for that?) this has been a huge issue for me personally in the last year and a half (or maybe longer, two three years, who knows?)
but for all the negative press i have given my t-mobile service in the past, i thought it might be appropriate to remember a few times that t-mobile served me well. very well. there were actually lots of times, once i got to thinking about it. (I've had t-mobile service since 2003... yes, that's almost 7 years!)
Big moments in life, brought to Bonnie by T-mobile:
1. 2003-2005: all those phone calls micah and i made to each other while i was in college (he lived in irvine, i was in san marcos, yay for free long distance!)
2. July 2004: about a bzillion text messages back and forth while living in Cuernavaca (because there was only one phone in the house, and they only answered it in Spanish)
3. August 2004: Picking me up from the airport after being gone for a month "What terminal are you in?" He wasn't at the airport yet. Thought I had to go through customs. I took care of that in Texas!
4. January 2005: phone calls to let everyone know that YES! we were engaged!! (even though most of them already knew!)What a way to start the new year!
5. January thru August 2005: wedding planning. Mostly from June on.
6. June 2005: The call I never wanted to get, but somehow knew was coming. My grandpa had passed on. I cry even remembering it now.
7. August 6, 2005. I got married. I probably called someone. I don't remember now. Maybe not. Those are usually the days I'm expected to have it with me, and it is ringing in the car or something.
8. A few days later: Micah calls home from my phone. In Puerto Vallarta. Just to let everyone know how things are going. Very expensive call. But he was happy to make it!
9. Again, traveling abroad: Micah calls home from El Salvador. To check on Gus. True. That was important. And how are things in the office? I think we paid somewhere in the neighborhood of 140 bucks for that call. Worth every penny, he says.
10. January 2007: Another hard call. My grandma was gone. There goes my quivering lip again. Sometimes it's not easy to pick up the phone.
11. And then things are all a blur as I start working at Orange Lutheran. My classroom has two concrete walls. Zero reception. And I was working there somewhere between 4am and 7pm.
12. And then, I was pregnant. How many calls did I make to my favorite phone nurse Darryl? I love her... "I think I am pregnant." Questions about bleeding. Need to come in. "I am at Rubio's. Is it ok to eat a fish taco?" and then the big call: "I think my water broke". Maybe I was on the house phone.
13. November 14, 2008 : I remembered to bring my cell phone! Because it was Elvis Day and I had to call someone to let them know that I wouldn't be at work today, I was having a baby! Debbie Wingert answered the phone, and I will never forget that. Then we sent out all kinds of text messages. Myna called to check on me before she got there. I also remember calling Missy to tell her that I couldn't go on a walk that day. Texting Aimee in Italy (that might have been Micah's phone, too! There was a lot of Blackberry going around that room! Then, we sent out the text message that it was a girl: Hannah Lynne Nourse. 5lbs 1oz, 18 inches long. Our little peanut.
14. I think there a play-by-play narration of Hannah's life, development, sleep cycles and tales of the changing table going between Micah's phone and mine. Thank God for better reception now.
Sometimes the blog updates come from me summarizing my text messages for the day. But that's how it rolls around here.

Turns out I use my phone for a lot.
Perhaps you have called my phone for something important. You were engaged. Having a baby. Lost on your way to my house.

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