Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday night...unexpectedly sweet.

We had plans to be at the Great Park's first giant dance party of the summer tonight...a salsa dance party...and then, at the end of a long day, I got a headache. A massive kind of headache, that made me just want to crawl into a quiet place. But, sometimes, there is no quiet place for mommy in the house. As hard as daddy was trying to distract her and do something fun (like swim) Hannah really just wanted to whine at me a little more. And all I wanted to do was dance. Except my head was already thumping, and I was totally out of energy for the night. I was so very sad and disappointed with myself for missing out. And I was still trying to hide from all noises because of my headache. So when they turned on the Olympics in my quiet place and Hannah started to whine about milk, I got up, got her the milk, and then headed to the living room where the TV is broken, sat in my favorite red chair by the fireplace, cuddled up with a favorite quilt, and grabbed that copy of Bossypants I thought I would have finished over spring break and I had me some dulce de leche ice cream. Pretty soon, Hannah wanders out, tells me she's "done watching bobbyball... I want a blanket too" and then curls up and dozes off in the chair next to me. Sweet. My headache is gone now. But I think I'll end the day here, on a good note. Here's a little photo of my Friday night bliss. Good night!

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