Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Card Photo Shoot 2010

Perhaps you received our Christmas card in the mail by now. (Hope so!) I love mail on any given day, but during Christmas, I WAIT for the mail truck like a little kid waiting for ice cream. Seriously... I am at the computer with the front window open... waiting!!!
I love it!!
So much has happened this year, it was hard to pick one image that kind of summed it up. It was also hard for us to pick a time to sit down as a family and get our picture taken!
Here's the "behind the scenes" tour of our Christmas card:
I thought about making a collage, one picture for every month of the year:

I also thought of just having a cute one of Hannah, but it was hard to get her to stay still:

Or Hannah and Gus together:

And then they needed a break.

It turns out Gus poses for pictures better than Hannah. He's always been such a good looking dog. And he knows it, so he's kind of a ham. And, he's a good sport about those antlers. Every year. Good boy.

Hannah's not much of a "cheeser" yet! She would rather take the pictures herself. Here's a few of me, and the Christmas tree, while I was trying to teach her how to pose for a shot. Surprisingly, she looks at the screen on the back of the camera, and her aim is not too bad! But she comes in a little close on the head shots. Note to self: Perhaps a good idea to put makeup on "just in case" every day now!
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And then, finally, I just started clicking away while she played, and there was the moment:

She's not looking, nor is she even smiling, but that's what Christmas is all about, isn't it, folks?
While I had spent all this time trying to drum up a sweet jolly image, she's all about the right stuff. Totally touched my heart. Wishing you all the same kind of sweet, simple moments this Christmas!

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