Hannah Lynne is 18 months old today.
She is tall and strong, with curly brown hair and still has her daddy's blue eyes (with a teensy bit of brown in the middle, thanks, mom!) She has a mouth full of teeth, a big smile, and sometimes a dimple under her right eye!
Her favorite things to do are:
Run around!
Drink milk, water or iced tea when she can get her hands on it!
Watch for birds and planes (she's so good at it, sometimes I am sure she's got radar)
Play in water of all kinds.(the bathtub, the dog bowl, fountains at the Spectrum. And the dog bowl. Over and over again)
Eat breakfast. Cheerios, muffins, toast, bananas, Hannah is up for breakfast at any time!
Empty drawers: my teaching supplies from the desk, tampons from the bathroom (she hides them like Easter eggs, weird) my shoes (I am hard pressed to find a matching pair of flip flops most days, unless I keep them up high) and the lids from my pots and pans. She likes to put the wok lid on Gus while he sleeps. It's his "hat".
Hannah loves to play in the sand, climb on the playground, and she goes down the slide all by herself! I am pretty sure if she ever ran away, that she would run immediately to the slide at the park. It's for sure the first place I would ever look!
Hannah loves to watch Sesame Street in bed in the morning with Daddy. Elmo is her fave! (We are so happy that she loves Sesame Street. So many of the other kid's shows are kind of weird.)
We also just found out that our little Hercules can "wheelbarrow" around the house on her hands if Daddy holds her feet. She is SO STRONG!! I'm pretty sure that she'll go crazy for gymnastics if we get her in a class soon!
Well, that's a wee lil update on the little lass. I can't believe it's been a year and half already. Good news is, most of the time I feel like we're getting the hang of this. Except for the sleeping thing. My fault. I should be in bed. Nighty-night!
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