Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hannah hunts for Easter Eggs.


Bed head. Mismatched pajamas. Excited two-year-old babble and monkey sounds. This video can't be missed!!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let the dreaming begin.

One and a half weeks to go until Spring Break. Dreaming of many things, like reading by the pool. First on my list: This book!
My inspiration: this article on code-switching a mysterious bilingual habit... good or bad? Perhaps not so bad after all...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cozy cuteness.

Ok, before the warm weather comes around, (any day now... fine by me!) I've got to post these cute pictures of Hannah, all miserably bundled up in the snow, and then gleefully dressed for a cool weather romp in the park! This girl loves her winter duds!

This last one on the way out to the park just melts my heart! One of my favorite parts of the day, by the way!

big girl bed.

Hannah sleeps in a big girl bed. At least at night time. Mostly. And we're still working on nap times. She's pretty sneaky. Our bed is still her favorite. She loves to cuddle.